Keyboard Builders' Digest
!! 20% off's drawer-style Glitter65 !! Code: KBDNEWS

Issue 86 / Week 28 / 2022

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 14 entries in this issue:


Behind the Scenes of Issue 86

Working on my first video, meetup database update, new honorary copyeditor, giveaway, etc.



A split keyboard with 36-42 keys, RP2040 support, haptic feedback, etc.: KLOR by u/_GEIST_.

0xC.pad & 0x33.board

Two exciting projects from s-ol, both with HEX keycaps: the 0xC.pad and 0x33 MIDI controller.


Jamie Ding published the files of his Mercury, a wireless split keyboard with classic staggering.


The second keyboard design by u/_GEIST_: KLOTZ – a 34-key wireless low-pro split.

Low profile Dactyl

u/IncBLB has built a low profile Dactyl designed by u/omurovex.


The Ferris Sweep got an industrial makeover: ferricy by u/Icyphox.

BOB single-key "keyboard"

An open-source single-key USB keyboard by u/dr2mod called Big Orange Button.

Tips & Tricks

HEX keycaps

HEX keycaps have a low-pro hexagonal profile – designed and manufactured by s-ol and FKcaps for Choc switches.

Cirque trackpad news

Cirque trackpad in action, build log, and 3D-printable holders – shared by leo_beekeeb and milkycowdan.

Corne case

A new chunky high-pro Corne case design shared by u/chewiedies.

Lily58 case

A fully enclosed Lily58 case. STLs published by u/hainguyenac.

Low-pro encoder knob

_GEIST_ published his KLOTZ knob for low-profile rotary encoders.

Ergogen PCB testing

u/Alescito shared his workflow of testing Ergogen layouts by 3D printing them.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:
PCBWay,, MoErgo Glove80, u/chad3814, Aiksplace, @keebio, @kaleid1990, u/motfalcon,, Sean Grady, cdc, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, FFKeebs, Richard Sutherland, @therick0996, KEEBD, Joel Simpson, Nuno Leitano, Lev Popov, Spencer Blackwood, Christian Mladenov, Stefan Schulze, Yuan Liu, Davidjohn Gerena, Alexey Alekhin, Fabian Suceveanu

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!