Keyboard Builders' Digest
Check out Keebz N Cables in Perth, Australia!

Issue 90 / Week 32 / 2022

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 12 entries in this issue:


Behind the Scenes of Issue 90

Complaints, shops closing, donors leaving, new vendors, new meetups, etc.



Marco's DASBOB is a 36-key diodeless split with splay and buzzer.

Purple Owl

Sonal Pinto's Purple Owl is an all-1u, uniformly staggered 60% keyboard.


Kretsträd is a Seeeduino Xiao BLE based 34-keys split keyboard by u/wj-zhe – running ZMK.

Phaethon prototype

Phaethon is a through-hole keyboard with a solar panel – designed by u/mrninhvn.


The Avlo44 is a unibody split with exposed diodes designed by u/jrp22.


The UniChunky by u/tenstaana is basically two Chunkys fused together.


Ursula is a low-profile 5-column split keyboard by u/jamesmnw.


The working title of u/Zonattu's 40% Alice-ish PCB project is Liisa.

Tips & Tricks

Vapor polishing

An experiment in vapor polishing ABS keycaps – by u/mmalluck.

Keyboard Spotting

Tandberg Data

u/autonomouschair spotted a gorgeous Tandberg Data keyboard in the Oslo National Museum.



FGHTR SWTCH is a unique artisan keycap housing by mecxlabs.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:
PCBWay,, MoErgo Glove80, Aiksplace, u/chad3814, @keebio, @kaleid1990, Sean Grady,, u/motfalcon, cdc, kiyejoco, Bob Cotton, FFKeebs, Richard Sutherland, KEEBD, @therick0996, MKUltra, Joel Simpson, Lev Popov, Christian Mladenov, Spencer Blackwood, Yuan Liu, Davidjohn Gerena, Alexey Alekhin, Fabian Suceveanu, Upgrade Keyboards

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!