Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Tag: 75% (5 entries)

Irok ND75 review

The IROK ND75, sold by MechKeys, is a genuine little gaming board with compact layout, nice magnetic switches, and plenty of RGB.


STHLM kb announced Större, an easy-to-build 75% keyboard kit with exposed diode cluster and using only through-hole components.


MY75 is an open-source hot-swappable 75% keyboard in a milled aluminum case. Shared by Skribbles4420.


A 75% hotswap PCB through-hole style that utilises two EC-11 rotary encoders and an Elite-C daughterboard – by flehrad.

The 00Key

The 00Key is a 75% keyboard and lockdown project by debeb with exposed through-hole components and open source PCB.
