Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Magazine / Tags / PCB

Tag: PCB (507 entries)

The Wren: System Edition

The Wren by reasonsandreasons is an open source split ergo keyboard inspired by the Breeze, Kyria and Corne.

The 00Key

The 00Key is a 75% keyboard and lockdown project by debeb with exposed through-hole components and open source PCB.

Pteron36 keyboard

Pteron36 - a separate split keyboard designed by smart345bond for Miryoku layout users (git).

Nyx is now open hardware

The Nyx, a low-profile, split, wireless ergo by tadfisher is now open hardware (repo).

Lily58 Pro with rotary encoder

Open-sourced Lily58 Pro with rotary encoder by atlantesque (repo) [UNTESTED!].

Open Pteron56 PCB/case design

A PCB/case design for the Pteron56 by AlexanderNotLuthor (repo).

Adelheid build

The Adelheid by floookay is an Arisu-fork with function keys (repo). Built by Ok_Promotion_6175.


A classy FiFi build by brickbots (gallery, PCB, case).

YA36 - with angled columns

The YA36 by se_le_x is a 36-key split keyboard with tight key spacing and angled columns (repo).

Pico powered keyboard

EnviousMedia designed a Raspberry Pi Pico powered board with open source PCB (git).


The Musashi60 by 2ten1 is a split with number row, trackpoints and open source PCB (git).

Single-column flexible PCB

Single-column PCB for Dactyl-like keyboards by Fmcraft. Per-key RGB, hotswap, ribbon connectors. Open-source but UNTESTED!


The UnSplit is a monoblock Kyria layout with modified thumb clusters. Built by dnlnrdn, designed by crunchyavocados (git).

3D-printed PCB

A printed circuit board. Literally. PCB 3D-printed by duzitbetter (reddit, hackaday).

Custom PCB workflow

A custom PCB by bigbrobewatching (pics). What's more interesting though, is the workflow: KLE, KLE PCB generator I wasn't aware of & the firmware builder by Ruiqi Mao.

KLE PCB Generator

The KLE PCB Generator by jeroen94704 is a Python tool generating a KiCAD schematic and PCB layout with the KLE RAW json as an input.

Grandiceps with black pill

The Grandiceps is a black pill based split by vattern78 (git).

Elite-C holder PCB

Elite-C holder PCB for Dactyl-like cases with audio jack, M4 screw holes, reset button, RGB output by Fmcraft (git).

A Preonic clone with custom PCB

A 3D printed backlit Preonic clone by squeezeonein with open source PCB.

LEGO supported PCB-mount board

A PCB-mount board with LEGO as frame and support by alinelena. (Open source PCB.)

Inkkeys: an e-ink macropad

The inkkeys is a dynamically assignable macropad project with e-ink screen by DiConX (video, docs, git).

System76 Launch

The System76 Launch is a keyboard project with open source case and PCB (git). Posted by jackpot51.

Ortho or staggered? Both!

This 40% ortho PCB comes with a home row allowing both ortho and staggered (symmetric) arrangement (here). (Posted by Littlehouse75.)

The orch

The orch is a mostly ortho, GMK-friendly layout and PCB by oldoverholt with open source design (git & gallery).

J73K: a through-hole ortho

The J73K by peeweejedi is an open source through-hole 15*5 ortholinear keyboard using an Atmega32a (git & glamour shots).
