Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Magazine / Tags / media

Tag: media (11 entries)

NKEY magazine

Created by graphic design student Nate Kearney, NKEY is a print magazine concept with some interviews as its backbone.

/r/MechanicalKeyboards, a Year of Changes

Large communities are difficult to appease, and even more difficult to keep organized. This year, /r/MechanicalKeyboards has undergone many significant changes.

Interview with Pekaso-san

I asked Pekaso-san, one of the most influential members of the Japanese mechanical keyboard scene, about his weekly show on Youtube and related side gigs.

Damn Fine Keyboards

Damn Fine Keyboards is a new PDFzine by CCH Podcast's Philipp. Check it out and subscribe!

Jesse Vincent interview

Jesse Vincent of Keyboardio talks about his projects and career in keyboard building.

Episode 14 of The Thocc

In episode 14 of the Thocc Vogsphere talks with Tom, a member of the Splergo gang and owner of an impressive split collection.

Iammeuru's interview

Iammeuru's interview in a new episode of The Thocc podcast. Presented by Vogsphere.

Quakemz's interview

In episode #11 of The Thocc podcast Vogsphere's guest was Quakemz, inventor of the Holy Panda.

Mechanical Keyboards For Dummies

The Mechanical Keyboards For Dummies is a cool cartoon by TylerToonsFanAcc. In case you need to initiate someone into mechanical keyboards (r/mk).

New podcast (in German)

Give some love to Click! Clack! Hack!, a new podcast (in German) by nerdbude (episodes).

NathanAlphaMan Interview

In episode 10 of The Thocc podcast NathanAlphaMan answered Vogsphere's questions.
