Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Tag: project (53 entries)


Gleb Sabirzyanov made and sells a single piece of Deathpad, a one-of-a-kind macropad with 9 keys at the hearth of a death metal inspired case.

Pangaea project

Pangaea, a split keyboard with mind-boggling adjustability, co-designed by @otahinosame, @k2 and @e3w2q, has advanced to rev.3.

Modular matrix

In MatlertheGreat's RP Pico prototype the matrix is separated from the electronics (git).

J73K: a through-hole ortho

The J73K by peeweejedi is an open source through-hole 15*5 ortholinear keyboard using an Atmega32a (git & glamour shots).


This handwired monster is tentatively named the Phatty105 (keymap) and is based on a (surprise!) CRKBD. Committed by jamopopper.


This Tightyl build by moltarpdx is based on Okke's design (git, STL).

Macro board

An open source macro board with PCB, case and plate (git) by Gowlandr.


MUGGI 2 by jungmuk. A handwired split with a single controller, braided cables and photolog.

GX-16 Dactyl Manuform

A Dactyl Manuform with GX-16 connectors by oni_strech based on hellmoneywarrior's design.

Kinesis Essential rebuild with Bluetooth

This Kinesis Essential has been turned into wireless by sczizzo. Lot's of useful info in the thread.

3D printed hot swap sockets

OMGWhyImOld published the source files of this 3D printed solderless keyswitch connector. Aka "poor man's Kaihl hot swap sockets".

Microdox with 3D printed case

A Microdox with a nice gallery and a cool open source tented case by Kooziecup.

aball: a buttonless trackball

The aball is a well documented buttonless trackball by brickbots.

Make a Keyboard

A handwired project and detailed tutorial on how to design and make a keyboard by berkstone.

DracuLad 2nd round protos

DracuLad 2nd round with Puchi C controller and trackball by MangoIV.

Framework rev. 1 prototype

The Framework rev. 1 prototype is an all-THM ortho with Atmega328P (repo) by 7c8.


The JiaEX is a split keyboard for extended alphabets with nice repo by oleg_sk.

Knob Goblin

Knob Goblin: a 5x4 macropad with encoders, OLED and gallery by Chew-Magna.

Python-powered macropad

This low-profile Python-powered hotswap macropad has tricky lowpro encoders, gesture control and more (by SouthPawEngineer).

Emoji macropad

A Preonic turned into an emoji macropad for Discord (build video) by MendezAS.

Apple Extended II USB mod

A retrofitted Apple Extended Keyboard II with internal USB hub (photolog) by greener_ca.


The handwired Sick-68 with Amoebas, gallery and detailed budget by wildjokers.

Handwired ortho with PCB

A handwired ortho with PCB? - with photolog by bgkendall.

Lotus58 - a Lily58 derivative

The Lotus58 is an open source Lily58 derivative with hotswap and encoder by Tweetydabirdie.

Willow64 - a uniquely staggered split

The Willow64 is a uniquely staggered split by ykkap (article).
