Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Magazine / Tags / prototyping

Tag: prototyping (10 entries)


A keyboard design framework with adjustable columns on a rail system: Seismos by Danny Vo.

Ergogen PCB testing

Alescito shared his workflow of testing Ergogen layouts by 3D printing them.

Pangaea project

Pangaea, a split keyboard with mind-boggling adjustability, co-designed by @otahinosame, @k2 and @e3w2q, has advanced to rev.3.

Imitating various layouts

Imitating various ergo keyboard layouts with Zebra. Posted by key-yack.

Dactyl Chimera

Dactyl Chimera, a 3D ergo keyboard test bench by WolfIcefang.

Laser cut cardboard keyboard

A 60% cardboard keyboard cut by laser with video and sound test. Committed by NotmeJR.


The Keeblab by edoelas is a controller-agnostic prototyping setup.

3D-printed "PCB"

3D-printed "PCB" for solderless hotswap prototyping by 50an6xy06r6n.

Design from fingerprints

Design from fingerprints by ripxorip (pics).

Touchscreen prototyping

artru used SVG and JavaScript to come up with a prototyping method for physical layouts on a touchscreen.
