Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Column / Projects


Aroz65: a handwired project

The Arow65 is a handwired project by oRER3o with video documentation.

Cardboard prototyping: Toilet paper roll chorded keyboard

Toilet paper roll chorded keyboard by motfalcon

BluePhage Express

BluePhage Express: a Bluetooth controller for use with CircuitPython/KMK, QMK, and ZMK by SouthPawEngineer.

Wokpan - a 3D-printed wireless by u/sonerino

Wokpan - a 3D-printed wireless by sonerino

Red Queen - build log & source of a split Alice-like

Red Queen - a split Alice-like with photolog & source files

EmoteKB - a Dactyl-like prototype with low-profile switches by u/yingerj

EmoteKB - a Dactyl-like prototype and STLs by yingerj

Switch-Backpack board by u/TheHexaCube

Switch-Backpack board by TheHexaCube to make per-key illuminated handwired keyboards easier.

Converting an Apple keyboard from 1984

Photolog of converting an Apple keyboard from 1984 by jsheradin

Riskeyboard70 PCB

Riskeyboard70 by riskable: - Fairly uncommon features like 3D printed 'parametric' Hall effect switches, magnetically stabilized stabilizers, LED output (!) - just to name a few. This showcase of ideas is from another planet.

Torn v2.1

Richard Titmuss's Torn is a split keyboard with through-hole components.
