Keyboard Builders' Digest
$5 off of ceramic caps at Cerakey!

Keyboard Builders' Digest / Column / Test


The effect of WD-40 on switches

This follow-up shot by gidders369 demonstrates the effect of WD-40 on some switches treated 1 year ago.

Sound test compilation #19

This is a list of 11 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #18

This is a list of 14 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Tecsee Sapphire

Tecsee Sapphire switch review by ThereminGoat.

All Clacks and Snag switches

A review of Australian and New Zealand community switches by flehrad.

Sound test compilation #17

This is a list of 15 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #16

This is a list of 7 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Momoka Frog V3

Momoka Frog V3 switch review by ThereminGoat.

KK Light Wave V2 / Candy Jade Green

Deadeye is starting a video series where he takes an in-depth look at various mechanical switches, the fist one being KK Light Wave V2.

Popular linears compared

Some popular linear switches compared by 2entythree.

Sound test compilation #15

This is a list of 11 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #14

This is a list of 11 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Kinetic Labs' Husky switch

Kinetic Labs' Husky switch reviewed by ThereminGoat.

TECSEE & Coffee Chip Ice Creams

This time makermods takes a look at Tecsee and the Cannon Keys Coffee Chip Ice Cream tactiles.

Sound test compilation #13

This is a list of 11 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #12

This is a list of 14 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Are progressive springs really progressive?

Some force curve measurements of progressive springs by GreenPylons.

Sound test compilation #11

This is a list of 20 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #10

This is a list of 10 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #9

This is a list of 10 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

AEBoard's Naevy V1.5 Switch Review

AEBoard's Naevy V1.5 switch review by ThereminGoat (discussion).

Momoka FROG linears review

Momoka FROG Linear switch review by Reimu64 (video).

Sound test compilation #8

This is a list of 14 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #7

This is a list of 19 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #6

This is a list of 19 keyboard sound tests published this week in a single megapack.
