Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 113 / Week 5 / 2023

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 13 entries in this issue:


Behind the Scenes of Issue 113

Sending out the newsletter is no longer free. Quick news. Lots of new shops and discounts.


CCRX case

CCRX, a WK/WKL keyboard case open sourced by obitae.


The Splaynck by kIt5uN3FP is a 40% unibody keyboard with symmetrical stagger.

Trackswitch Manuform

Rishikesh Vaishnav's Trackswitch Manuform introduces a mouse-level shift mechanism.

40% Fulcrum

A new 40-key version of the Fulcrum – by ghostfaceschiller.

Orthocade family

Weteor has published some new ortho keyboards with his hallmark offset spacebar forming the Orthocade family.

Brk Out

Weteor's Brk Out is a 38-key orthogonal keyboard with split alphas and offset space.


Froggr is the next board in weteor's Orthocade family: a 12u ortholinear keyboard with 48 keys and offset bottom row.


DigDug is weteor's latest model in the Orthocade family: with some exploded key groups.


Amano is an Alice layout keyboard designed by h40, with case and wrist rest files published.

Valkyrie folding keyboard

VFK-001 aka Valkyrie folding keyboard, a vertical Dactyl that can be folded up and taken with you. Shared by v0Che.

Tips & Tricks

Rectangular ffkb case

A rectangular case for the ffkb shared by Sadek Baroudi.


Livermore's Permutation Typograph

A pocket-sized chording typewriter with six keys by Benjamin Livermore – from the 1850s.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:, MoErgo Glove80, Aiksplace, @keebio, MKUltra, @kaleid1990, Upgrade Keyboards, Sean Grady, Cyboard, cdc, KEEBD,, u/motfalcon, Jacob Mikesell, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, FFKeebs, Richard Sutherland, @therick0996, littlemer-the-second, Joel Simpson, Lev Popov, Christian Lo, Christian Mladenov, Spencer Blackwood, Yuan Liu, Daniel Nikolov, u/eighty58five, Skyler Thuss, Caleb Rand, Geobert Quach, Emily Muse, Davidjohn Gerena, Fabian Suceveanu, Arto Olli, Mats Faugli, anonymous, Hating TheFruit

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.
