Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 19 / Week 12 / 2021

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There are 22 entries in this issue:


Zenith z150 transformation

A Zenith z150 transformation by TypeSaucy with detailed build log.


A classy FiFi build by brickbots (gallery, PCB, case).

YA36 - with angled columns

The YA36 by se_le_x is a 36-key split keyboard with tight key spacing and angled columns (repo).

Wooden monoblock split

This wooden monoblock split by Libano23 features a pseudo-PCB (photolog).

Wireless ortho travel board

The 0x32 "Brussels Waffle" is a wireless, ortho, low-profile travel keyboard by RadioactiveHop (waiting for repo).

Torn v3 build log

AlphaDelete has thoroughly documented this Torn v3 build (Torn repo, source).

The Nils Olav

The Nils Olav, named after a famous Scotch penguin, is an easy to build ortho keyboard by twigulus with lefty numpad (source).

awlpaul - a 3D printed Alice-like

The awlpaul is a 3D printed gasket mount Alice-like keyboard by LockreyAlfie with a rotary encoder (photolog).

Pico powered keyboard

EnviousMedia designed a Raspberry Pi Pico powered board with open source PCB (git).

Paper & putty keyboard

This keyboard by e3w2 is made of construction paper and putty, and features a self-designed PCB (photos, sound test).


Find vendors based on your region

SyndromSnake released, a website to help people find vendors in their region (source, keebtalk).

Remap - customize your keyboard from a browser

Remap is a VIA client clone to customize key mapping, LEDs and other features from your browser.

Tips & Tricks

Hotswap socket how-to

A documentation for the 3D printed hot-swap sockets by stingray127 (thing, source).

Modular matrix

In MatlertheGreat's RP Pico prototype the matrix is separated from the electronics (git).


Akko CS switches

Akko CS switch test by svizify.

Sound test compilation #6

This is a list of 19 keyboard sound tests published this week in a single megapack.


Optical encoded keyboard

Some nice pics of the Viatron System 21 terminal and its unique keyboard by JereimiahPendergrass (more).

Keyboard Spotting

Siemens KBA-D2911B-ECO2

Siemens KBA-D2911B-ECO2 posted by Austinmc3232.

IBM System 9000 Model F

IBM system 9000 Model F keyboard spotted by GmanBadger (related DT thread).


An Atreus with trackpoint

This Atreus modified by jfl209 features a trackpoint, layer indicator LEDs and Commodore caps.

Lego typewriter

A Lego typewriter posted by ElectroSpork9000 (video).

DIY tent for a GergoPlex

A tenting solution for a GergoPlex by gatsbythegerbil made of scrap wood, popsicle sticks and mod podge.

Discussion over at r/mk!