Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 25 / Week 18 / 2021

This is a hand-picked selection of posts that may teach you something about designing and building your own custom keyboard.

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There are 18 entries in this issue:


Behind the Scenes of Issue 25

Issue 25, personal favorites, new domain coming soon, performance tweaks, issue 24 follow-up, new supporters and subscriber record.


LCK75 open sourced

The LCK75, a 75% through-hole keyboard by TheLysol_27, is now open sourced.

Sesame by kb-elmo

A Sesame designed by _vastrox_/elmo and built by kmrnewworkplace.

Callisto 2

The Callisto 2 is a 3D printable computer by LowBudgetTech.

RaspberryPERK cyberdeck

The RaspberryPERK (Pi Emergency and Recovery Kit) is a cyberdeck by Philipp1887.


The Matcha59 is a hand-wired, angled, 3D-printable Preonic alternative by rykbio.

TRIFL alpha keycap profile

The TRIFL alpha is a new keycap profile by rutomoda.

Banana macropad

This is a banana shaped 3D printed macropad by dapperrogue with STL files.

Spacepad Micro

The Spacepad Micro is a tiny universal macropad by SouthPawEngineer.

CorkBoard60 prototype

The CorkBoard60 is a prototype by carvallegro - of cork.


Input lag testing

Ideas and tools by Battle(non)sense to test input lag. Posted by _ChickenRun.


Are progressive springs really progressive?

Some force curve measurements of progressive springs by GreenPylons.

Sound test compilation #12

This is a list of 14 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.


World I: an index typewriter

The World Typewriter is an index typewriter from the 1880s. Posted by Sup-Bird.

IBM 5556-005

Full kanji keyboard spotted by whiteknight128.

1986 Japanese Apple 'Mackintosh Plus'

1986 Japanese release of the Apple 'Mackintosh Plus' Keyboard. (M0110AJ). Posted by hewplah.

IBM Terminal keyboard from the 70s

An old IBM Terminal keyboard from the 70s posted by Snoo_56172.

Keyboard Spotting

Fadal CNC 88

A Fadal CNC 88 spotted by Javilen17.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:
u/chad3814, Jeremy Kitchen, u/kaleid1990, Eugenie, u/chrispydelivers, jijepu & an anonymous donor

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!