Issue 5 / Week 51 / 2020

There are 12 entries in this issue:
Riskeyboard70 PCB
Riskeyboard70 by riskable: - Fairly uncommon features like 3D printed 'parametric' Hall effect switches, magnetically stabilized stabilizers, LED output (!) - just to name a few. This showcase of ideas is from another planet.
Wokpan - a 3D-printed wireless by u/sonerino
Wokpan - a 3D-printed wireless by sonerino
Red Queen - build log & source of a split Alice-like
Red Queen - a split Alice-like with photolog & source files
EmoteKB - a Dactyl-like prototype with low-profile switches by u/yingerj
EmoteKB - a Dactyl-like prototype and STLs by yingerj
Switch-Backpack board by u/TheHexaCube
Switch-Backpack board by TheHexaCube to make per-key illuminated handwired keyboards easier.
Converting an Apple keyboard from 1984
Photolog of converting an Apple keyboard from 1984 by jsheradin
Tips & Tricks
Spring mount plate by u/RangerXML
Spring mount plate by RangerXML
Letters on thumb keys - thoughts and experiences
On letters on thumb keys
On rotary encoder types
There's more to rotary encoders than I thought...
DIY switch films
DIY switch films: 1 & 2
Fractal keyboard
This render of a split keyboard half by Wizarddata inspired Valarauka_ to come up with the idea of a fractal keyboard. Put on my list right after the book keyboard.
Keyboard signed both by Woz and Jobs sold for $75K
THAT Apple Extended keyboard signed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs sold for $74,535