Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 6 / Week 52 / 2020

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There are 10 entries in this issue:


BluePhage Express

BluePhage Express: a Bluetooth controller for use with CircuitPython/KMK, QMK, and ZMK by SouthPawEngineer.

Aroz65: a handwired project

The Arow65 is a handwired project by oRER3o with video documentation.

Cardboard prototyping: Toilet paper roll chorded keyboard

Toilet paper roll chorded keyboard by motfalcon

Keyboard lexicon

Keyboard lexicon by dovenyi

Tips & Tricks

Cardboard prototyping mania

Cardboard prototyping mania: thumb clusters, tilting/raiser by artru andho_m

Thumb input alternatives

On thumb input alternatives: Moonrim, trackballs and more.

On braces, brackets and parenthesis

On braces, brackets and parenthesis in the logical layout


Japanese typewriter featuring 1172 characters (1940s)

Japanese typewriter featuring 1172 characters (1940s)

Reuters programmable keyboard (1985)

Reuters programmable keyboard from 1985 by dovenyi

Behind the Scenes

Switches on the assembly line

The sound of mechanical keyboard switches on the assembly line. Posted by GloriousXelNaga

Discussion over at r/mk!