Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Tag: 1800 (9 entries)


A hybrid wired no-stabs 1800 keyboard: N3v4 by wjrii.

Kemove K98 1980 review

This week I tested the Kemove K98 1980, a fully built three-mode wireless hotswap mechanical keyboard with 1800 layout.


TrashTruck is a keyboard based on the GarbageTruck with exploded arrows. Shared by Skribbles4420.


A nice Skidata keyboard with a layout combining 1800 and ortho – acquired by iyeetdog.

1800-ish wooden ortho

An 1800-style ortho board by MetaWhirledPeas, hand made from a solid piece of poplar from Home Depot.

Costar CSK-7101N

lBlanc99 revived and restored a dead Costar CSK-7101N keyboard.

Dolch luggable

A Dolch luggable posted by bakedbeens11.

Custom 1800

A custom CNC milled 1800 by B_Rich with video documentation (+pics).

Clueboard 2x1800 Toy edition

Clueboard 2x1800 Toy edition with Buger TH01 posted by Gracelberrypie.
