Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Tag: inspiration (124 entries)

Machined aluminum Proto2

The Naked64SF Proto2 is a machined aluminum keyboard by SalicylicAcid3 (video).

A macropad - literally drawn

This macropad by MartasSan is handwired, hotswappable, and it was literally drawn rather than printed.

The van erGogh must be a joke

When one form of stagger simply isn't enough the van erGogh comes to the rescue. Committed by KnoblesseOblige.

Rotary phone numpad

The real mechanical numpad built out of a rotary phone sandelinos found at a thrift shop (video & Arduino source).

Split keyboard concept for designers

A designer-friendly split keyboard concept by samanpwbb with 9 extra keys on the left for often used hotkeys.


The Manta is a monoblock split by GeniuzGames.

Custom macropad with extra knobs

This custom macropad by dansskittles comes with extra knobs and a short code example.

Mint chocolate artisan keyboard

I'm used to artisans, but these mint & strawberry chocolate themed Lime40s are the first artisan keyboards I've ever seen (designed by eukalin_, posted by hiddenbox4).

Hexadecimal keyboard & macropad

A unique Hexadecimal keyboard & macropad by wanderingjew.

Gentlemen 50%

The Gentlemen 50% is a symmetrically staggered board with no-stab layout (by james_sa).

Book keyboard

Book keyboard by FickleEMP.

Music visualization on your keyboard

Music visualization on your keyboard through the Raw HID interface by Ruirize.

ProtonPad - a QMK showcase

The ProtonPad makes use of ALL features of QMK. Designed by SouthPawEngineer.

Force-feedback slider

A motorized slider by Pawnerd.

Another steno one

A custom keyboard for stenography by silly_world.

GIGA40: with cartridge system

The GIGA40 is a strange concept of mujimanic with features like replaceable cartridge and serial connector (more pics).

3D printed steno keyboard

A 3D printed stenography keyboard by kazimchi.

Self-aligning 3D gaskets

A self-aligning 3D gasket posted by machine0.

Dovetail case

Dovetail case design by Harke_KB with pics and the secret.

Chocolate Bar

The love child of a 40% and a 1800. The Chocolate Bar by toastedmangoes.

Keyboards recessed into the desktop

The question of keyboards recessed into the desktop raised by LipsLikeCrispyBacon, and some immediate warnings.


A keyboard put into a skateboard with photolog by yehsper.

Cat-shaped keyboard

A cat-shaped design by cashmeerkat77 for inspiration (with gallery).

Fractal keyboard

This render of a split keyboard half by Wizarddata inspired Valarauka_ to come up with the idea of a fractal keyboard. Put on my list right after the book keyboard.

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