Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Magazine / Tags / vertical

Tag: vertical (8 entries)


The wireless vertical split Clavert is a handwired keyboard by stvneads.

TypeSafe with joystick

Tewtham added a joystick to his vertical TypeSafe keyboard.

Squeezebox Scorecard

Peter Lyons reviews results of over a dozen experimental DIY keyboard feature prototypes he has built within the Squeezebox R&D and how each fared in hindsight.

Squeezebox v2209

Peter Lyons announced Squeezebox v2209, the latest iteration of his distinctive ergo keyboard.

Dactyl TypeSafe

This wireless vertical Dactyl TypeSafe was designed and shared by tewtham.

Squeezebox v2112

The latest working build of the custom Squeezebox split ergonomic keyboard by focusaurus.

SafeType V801

A nice review of the emblematic SafeType by cornbreadninja.A nice review of the one and only SafeType – tested by cornbreadninja.

Redesigned 4x6 TypeSafe

A redesigned 4x6 TypeSafe with d-pad by tewtham.
