Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Tag: 3D (316 entries)


CDSA is a new sculpted spherical Choc keycap profile shared by Alescito: a remix of LDSA and Cherry.


The Arduino-based Mouseky, designed by Taliyah Huang, has an integrated mouse.

TypeSafe with joystick

Tewtham added a joystick to his vertical TypeSafe keyboard.

Boston case

Technofrikus shared a case design for Pylon's Boston, a compact 120%.

No-glue 3D case

A two-part 3D printed case by hello_smbj without gluing/welding.

Yucu 2000

The Yucu 2000 by Cu3b is a 38-40 key 'super staggered' split keyboard with single-key PCBs.

Velvet keyboard

The Velvet by atlantesque is a compact 38-key minimalist variation of Dactyl Manuform.

Keyboard Case Design

Sadek Baroudi provides a detailed walkthrough of how he designs 3D models – Starting with a PCB, and ending with a model that you can export for 3D printing.

LHM Morph

LifeHackerMax published all the files necessary to build his LHM Morph modular platform.

Lets Split case

Lets unite? A 3D printed monoblock case for the Lets Split by altapowderdog.


Joe Scotto built a split keyboard that uses VGA cable and connectors: ScottoSplit.

Mcorne c5

Release of the wireless magnetic Corne case by weissbieremulsion: Mcorne c5.


Remnant is a 58-key split, concave 3D keyboard announced by ergohaven's atlantesque. Hotswap, per key RGB, and prebuilt.


The ScottoLong is the newest handwired keyboard by Joe_Scotto, this time an ortho with 7u spacebar.

Gneiss01 keyboard

Gneiss01 is an interesting keyboard project by LeverMind2112 – involving clay, 3D scanning and printing.

Scylla/Charybdis tenting

Scylla/Charybdis adjustable tenting stand shared by gdeLopata.

Borne V1

Synthetic00 has introduced Borne, this cute wireless split which is low profile and open-source.


Batreeq: A 30-key pseudosplit keyboard by AlSaMoMo – with a trackball and scroll ring.

Frame 48

Greg Mathews published his Frame 48, a handwired split keyboard with dedicated arrow cluster.

65% silicone dampener mold

A 3D printable mold by dezcompiler for making silicone PCB dampeners for 65% keyboards.

Squeezebox v2209

Peter Lyons announced Squeezebox v2209, the latest iteration of his distinctive ergo keyboard.


Joe Scotto keeps churning out his handwired designs. This time the ScottoFly.

Hot-swap socket holders

Two hot-swap socket holders for handwired builds shared by ghostfaceschiller.


Norne is a 3D printed Ploopy Nano + Corne case mash-up by Diitsuku.


The Tether is a 3D printed case that allows you to choose between split or unibody and change on the fly. Shared by brother_bean.
