Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Magazine / Tags / split

Tag: split (674 entries)

Heavily modified GiGi

A row less traveled with Anodynousaur's heavily modified GiGi derivative.

Lunakey project

The Lunakey project includes two open-source split keyboards and a macropad published by Yoichiro Tanaka.


The 3w6 by weteor is a low-profile split keyboard with 36 keys.

Pinci the keyboard

An ultra low profile 34-key build by sproutless with RP2040 and Rust firmware.


A split keyboard by @orihikarna with some interesting details.

The Midge

This is what was left after jamesmnw kept cutting things away.


The RART45 is a unibody angled split by Alabahuy with Atmel328p and exposed through-hole components.

TDPHSK keyboard

The open-source TDPHSK by ianliu88 is 3D printed and hotswappable.

Dactyl Manuform Tight finishing

Finishing steps of this gorgeous Dactyl Manuform Tight build explained by urban_nurd.

Manibus: a split aluminum keyboard

The Manibus is a split ergo aluminum keyboard by DrFish96 featuring magnetic wrist rests.

Zephirum - an ergo monoblock

An ergo monoblock angled keyboard with some unique features by cdc_mkb.


The Choctopus44 by Routa Keebs is practically a low-pro Reviung with thumb arcs.

Magnetic layout prototyping

Going low profile: adjustable keyboard with magnets by key-yack.

The Osprey keyboard

The Osprey is xapheau's open-source unibody ergonomic column-staggered keyboard.

Wireless solar board

A wireless keyboard that never has to be plugged in. Committed by SouthPawEngineer.

Architeuthis dux with case

I like tapioki's designs as much as I hate his naming conventions – Dux with a case by Jonathan Dart.

Black Ice ortho

Custom designed angled ortho by ashinything with 3D printed hot swap sockets.

Low profile barobord

The low profile version of sadekbaroudi's barobord was added to the repo.


Foam and plate files for Foostan's unibody Cornelius released.

Keyseebee with fat plate

The Keyseebee by TeXitoi has a new fat switch plate, sitting on the PCB.

Dactyl flex

Dactyl flex by remus49 with open frame design supporting adjustable tenting and pivoting thumb keys.

Grabbity Gloves

Introducing the Grabbity Gloves by loopsbellart.

Barobord PCB

The barobord repo keeps growing: PCB for MX and Choc switches, cases, etc. - by sadekbaroudi.

Charybdis - Dactyl trackball keyboard

The Charybdis by Fmcraft is a Dactyl spin-off with well-placed trackball.

Blended Dactyl Manuform

A blended Dactyl Manuform by okinawa-keyboards with source and STL files.
