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Tag: split (674 entries)

Ergonaut One

Ergonaut One is a split with KS33 switches released by the newly formed team of Ergonaut Keyboards.

Allium58 by Beekeeb

Beekeeb's Leo announced Allium58, a low-pro split based on the Lily58 Pro.


Tarneo shared a small and portable sub-10x10 cm ergo split called Triboard.


Sebastian Stumpf's Swepp is a splayed Sweep, a split keyboard with 34 keys.


Shay's HillSideView is a derivative of the original Hillside – with nice!view and more changes.

Split Fire

Ahmad Anshori shared Split Fire, a single-MCU handwired split keyboard with VGA connectors and joystick.


The DragonFruit is a VIK certified monoblock split by Protieusz.

Span keyboard

Span is a split with trackpoint support by Idan of holykeebs – in the footsteps of the GergoPlex.

Corne Chocoflan

Hai Nguyen of shared his Corne Chocoflan, a low-pro Corne variant optimized for wireless use.

Corne Xiao

Released by FrictioN, this Corne Xiao is a modified, wireless version of foostan's Corne keyboard.

ArcBoard & ArcPedals

Chris Trotter added some pedals to his setup: ArcPad & ArcPedals – QMK-powered feet spaceships!

Corne GLP

BeeKeeb's Leo introduced the open-source Corne GLP, a variant specifically designed for Gateron low-profile hotswap sockets.

SpUnLy58 1.2

Giraffasax updated the SpUnly58. Iteration V1.2 of this monoblock split comes with adjusted spacing, splay, and stagger.

Rolio 0.9

MickiusMousius shared the updated Rolio 0.9, a premium split keyboard in a nice aluminum chassis.


Sebastian Stumpf shared the files of his Abomination, a classy split keyboard with trackpad and some splay.


Sergei Silnov's Crabapplepad is a minimalistic, ultra low-pro foldable split keyboard with X switches.

Wave keyboard

Etienne Collin's Wave is a reversible split Ferris/Sweep derivative with Mini DIN 4 connectors.


RaphCoder13 designed Birdy44, a handwired split with dual trackpads and tented case.


Thorium is a small ortholinear split keyboard by note96e.


A handwired low-pro unibody keyboard by Joshua Chung: Flynn.

Mün 2

It turned out that RGBKB's Mün 2, mentioned last week, is now open hardware. Check out the repo.

Chrumm 1.0

Severin Meyer published Chrumm, a gorgeous unibody split with flexible PCB and fixed tenting.

Dilemma Max

The Dilemma Max is an ergo split keyboard by Bastardkb – with number row and trackpad.


The SHO by fmash16 is a XIAO based 36-key Choc split keyboard.

Noname ortho with X switches

This wireless split ortho keyboard by tdilshod supports X switches as well.
