Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Magazine / Tags / split

Tag: split (674 entries)


AlSaMoMo's Wizza is a 30-key split board with a couple of extra features.


Georgiy Krikun shared the files of his kpukboard, a low-pro split with choc minis and posh battery cover.

Boardsource smol Rev 2

Cole Smith's smol is a symmetric staggered monoblock split with the same small flippable PCB for both halves, stuck together by the controller.


Stront is a feature-packed 38-key split by zzeneg – with LCD and trackpad.


A cheap to build split: Cheapino by infinetelurker.

Soufflé V3 Sweep

Jesus Climent introduced his Soufflé V3 Sweep with updated physical layout.

Dilemma v2

Dilemma v2 by Fmcraft is officially released: 3x5+3, trackpad, RGB, encoders, and more.

Egg58 v2

Travis Mick published his low-pro split egg58 – along the lines of the Ergodox/Sofle/Moonlander.


ADreamOfStorms released the files of narfkb, a split with RP2040K-Zero, encoder and an array of tiny switches.


Gakuto Mikumo introduced his Atalante, a unibody angled split keyboard with arrow clusters on both sides.


TheStuChef's 58-key low-pro ChonkV is based on the chocV but features, among other things, a number row.


Urchin is a wireless-only Swoop-derivative open-sourced by duckyb.


Kunsteak's Briq is a wireless-only split ortho keyboard.


Flying fox aka Pteropus – a unibody split keyboard open-sourced by hulapig.


The 47-key handwired HiveMind by Protieusz has an ambidextrous numpad in the middle.

La Lettre

A 35% unibody split by somepin: La Lettre is a 3D-printed, handwired mechanical keyboard.

Pica40 v2.1

Some updates to the Pica40 – v2.1 published by zzeneg.


An open-source split by Christopher Hoage loosely based on the Ergodash: Spleeb.

Abomination v1.2

A Choc-spaced Corne with XIAO controllers: Abomination v1.2 by OrangeCrusader.


Klesh Wong's PSKeeb2 is a portable split keyboard with tenting, rotary encoder and trackpoint.

Mantis v0.2

Felix Kuehling's Mantis v0.2, sporting HEX keycaps, has now PCBs on two levels to imitate tenting.

Smol keyboard

Evgenii Vilkov's Smol is a split prototype with a cool sandwich case.

Aloidia v1

Designed by ItsBluu, the Aloidia v1 is a wireless solar split keyboard with lots of hotswap components.


Smudge is a custom 3D-printed keyboard design by Sandalmoth – handwired with curved keywell.


jammerkiai's KaRP2040 is an RP2040-Zero based unibody split keyboard.
