Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Column / Projects


Lolcatz's Blank Slate

Lolcatz52 designed and printed an ergo split to fit his own fingers.


Astra's Procyon is a cute 40% keyboard – Morningstar layout in a split form.


Subrezon's la_nc is a Pro Micro based 42-key ortholinear keyboard.


Jesus Climent published his monoblock Atreyu's PCB files.


Zealousideal's Kiboard68 is a 60% handwired ortho with numpad.

Walnut board

This handwired walnut keyboard by gregschlom was CNCed from a single piece of wood which acts as the case, plate and cable guide as well.


Tony Jeffree's MiniNova is a cute 30% staggered keyboard with exposed diodes.


The Sweeeeep is Sadek Baroudi's take on the Sweep – with per-key LEDs, OLED and Elite-C as controller.


Fusion is steven4012's foldable travel board – with all the source files.

Grin layout

On policium's Grin Type-R and Grin RC designs – featuring the unique Grin layout.


Steven's Fissure is a 40-key BLE split featuring his steno engine.


Klavyl is a handwired split keyboard by thebgfan, generated by Klavgen, the author's other project.


Wojciech Baranowski's Viosuo is an arm-strapped keyboard for standing work.


Christian Lo's banime40 is a versatile ortho PCB with 24 possible layouts.

Ergotonic F-24

Hanachi's Ergotonic F-24 comes with a unique adjustable centerpiece making this keyboard split or monoblock on demand.


Lyso1's LCK75 PCB updated, tweaked and republished by short_lurker.

Preonic + Plank

MomonaBoy's Preonic + Plank combo became his ultimate gaming keyboard.


The Gherkin++ is bgkendall's approach to augment the classic 3x10 layout.

Metal Boston

Pylon open-sourced the metal version of his Boston, a "compact 120% battleship".

FCS42S keyboard

Ho's FCS42S is a split keyboard with adjustable per-column offsets and pinky splay.


SlabV by brickbots is a 36% keyboard with stacked acrylic construction and silicone gaskets.

Red Herring solenoid edition

Ming-Gih Lam updated the Red Herring PCB with an on-board solenoid.

Bolt Industries Pico 87

An open-source tenkeyless mechanical keyboard powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico and BMK, a custom Arduino IDE firmware.

The Chortyl

Jonathan Dart's Chortyl is an open-source scooped 34-key 3D-printed split.


Jonkey is an open-source split by SmashedTatoes, designed via ergogen.
