Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Keyboard Spotting

CDS Topre

A Japanese Topre board manufactured by CDS with an interesting layout – posted by May_1.
Published June 18, 2022
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According to the poster, this is a CDS/CTC board.

It’s one of the few vintage OEM hipro topre boards. They were made for Japanese data entry companies, and thus use the 029 layout (integrated numpad in the alpha block) – May_1.

As idiom6 points out in the comments, you have at least three options to enter numbers with this keyboard.

You've got the standard number pad on the right, then the classic number row (with the numbers as the front legends), and then a third option in the alpha cluster what May_1 calls the 029 layout – however, I couldn't find any reference to this naming convention.

More photos here:

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Published on Sat 18th Jun 2022. Featured in KBD #83 (source).


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