Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / History

Cherry G80-1800

Cherry G80-1800 by countkrzysztof.
Published February 20, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Hey, it seems there' not much content here.

That's not surprising because was a mere link collection for about the first six months.

Another formatting of the old lead may reveal some links:

Cherry G80-1800 by countkrzysztof.

And here is the original source of this entry for further info.

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Published on Sat 20th Feb 2021. Featured in KBD #14 (source).


Fluke 1720A keyboard

u/R009k saved a vintage Fluke 1720A Programmer Keyboard from getting thrown out.


IBM Displaywriter 6580 spotted by madribby78.

Air Force One comms station

The comms station from a previous Air Force One used by Eisenhower to Nixon (shot by MuddyFire).

Rockwell AIM-65

Rockwell AIM-65 with a built-in keyboard and a 20-character display, released in 1978.

Hughes printing telegraph, 1860

The Hughes printing telegraph, the second "keyboard", was a huge improvement compared to its predecessor. Spotted by TheSemiHistorian.

Beamspring spotting

A breathtaking photo of an IBM Beamspring 5251 shot by Bitteneite.
