Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Inspiration

Fractal keyboard

This render of a split keyboard half by Wizarddata inspired Valarauka_ to come up with the idea of a fractal keyboard. Put on my list right after the book keyboard.
Published December 20, 2020
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This render of a split keyboard by Wizarddata inspired Valarauka_ to come up with the idea of a fractal keyboard.

"Now I'm imagining shrinking this down, 3d printing a set and using it to make a fractal keyboard. :D"

A keyboard with a 3D-printed keyset of keyboard shaped caps? Questionable functionality, but I haven't seen anything like that on a keyboard scale. (There's of course the fractal Enter.)

And that's the idea behind the keyboard fractal or fractal keyboard. Sometimes, an original idea is simply the result of an illusion. E.g. an illusion of scale.

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Published on Sun 20th Dec 2020. Featured in KBD #5 (source).


Spring mount plate by u/RangerXML

Spring mount plate by RangerXML
