Akabander plans to recreate a Fujitsu Micro-8 keyboard.
KBD.news Published October 22, 2021
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OK, this photo (source) is not able to faithfully represent the sheer awesomeness of the Fujitsu Micro-8 or FM-8.
I'm grateful Akabander called my attention to this particular model.
My first PC when I was a kid was a Fujitsu Micro-8. I chose it myself, for reasons, but the lack of popular software meant I had to teach myself BASIC to play any games. A few of my programs had some small popularity in Singapore in the early 1980s, but the audience was tragically tiny. Anyway, ancient history aside, I thought it might be fun to build a mech keeb with some of the look of the old FM-8 keyboard – Akabander.