The Red Cedar is a well-documented Dactyl-like split by Tim Wenger – with PS2 buttons. Published January 28, 2025
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The Red Cedar, shared by Tim Wenger aka WesternRedCdar, is a well-documented Dactyl-like split with PS2 buttons and Nintendo Switch joystick – inspired by Tewtham's TypeSafe.
This keyboard was designed to look a bit like a red cedar tree – it has a green outer shell with a red cedar bark tree stem (copper PCB) showing through :). The PS2 buttons were just for fun – but they do allow you to comfortably press Control and Alt at the same time with one thumb – Tim.
46 keys?
MX, handwired, plus PS2 switches
RP2040 Pro Micro controller
Excellent documentation with files, BoM, build guide, tips, etc: