A handwired monoblock 40% keyboard in a stacked acrylic case: Vozvan by El Kinoflop.
KBD.news Published January 14, 2025
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The Vozvan is a handwired(!) monoblock split in a nice stacked acrylic case, designed and shared by El Kinoflop, creator of other similar projects like the Barghest and Izitafauxty.
The case is modular: By using different center pieces you can end up with two variants – a straight or a 5-degree angled unibody.
The case was designed for handwiring with a Pro Micro footprint RP2040 controller. Inspired by Peej's Lumberjack, SquashKB's Lesovoz, Trashman's V4N4G0N/Minivan and Jake/P3D's acrylic cases. The idea was to use off-the-shelf components (other than the case).
Two layout variants: a stabless version and one that requires 2x plate mounted 2u stabs. They both have the same amount of keys so your choice of layout doesn't change the matrix.