Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


Maximus is a unibody split with trackpad by Protieusz – inspired by the Ieneko42c.
Published September 19, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

As already mentioned last week, the Maximus by Protieusz, inspired by Daraku-Neko's Ieneko42c, is a 3D-printed monoblock split with a trackpad, plus 2 extra physical mouse keys (even though the trackpad can do gestures).

In the meantime Protieusz also published the STLs and Gerber files of this remix, which is powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico and is equipped with the 65 mm variant of the Azoteq trackpad.

The 65mm trackpad makes a big difference compared to the Ieneko42c's 43mm trackpad. Operation is much smoother – Protieusz.


  • 38 keys (3x5+3 per half + mouse keys)
  • MX, soldered
  • SMD diodes
  • Raspberry Pi Pico controller
  • 65 mm Azoteq trackpad


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Published on Tue 19th Sep 2023. Featured in KBD #136.



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