Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Dactyl TypeSafe

This wireless vertical Dactyl TypeSafe was designed and shared by u/tewtham.
Published May 30, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Fellow redditor tewtham shared his Dactyl TypeSafe, a vertical split keyboard inspired by the SafeType and Dactyl.

Wireless and handwired. (This combination of terms may sound strange but you hopefully know what I mean.)

(This is already v2, the previous one was wired and is archived here.)


  • 22 keys + 3 thumb keys per half
  • handwired
  • wireless via nice!nanos
  • 34mm trackball
  • non-slip mat
  • D-pad buttons
  • JST connectors "for everything"
  • a bunch of metal plates (weights)

After featuring keyboards with various trackball sizes (e.g. cocot46plus) and materials (sodalite sphere), let's hear tewtham's opinion:

Any 34mm ball will probably work, but I think it's best to use a replacement trackball. You will get better response and precision – tewtham.

GitHub repo with STLs:

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Published on Mon 30th May 2022. Featured in KBD #80 (source).


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