Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


Well, the humble Endgame is the name of this cool unibody split keyboard designed by OldMan6955.
Published January 20, 2025
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Maybe not endgame for everyone, but this cute 40% monoblock ergo split called TheEndgame2024 looks awesome for sure. As a lover of the unibody genre, it's quite close to endgame material for me personally. Designed and shared by OldMan6955 as an open-source project, it is also available as a well-documented kit sold by Keeb Supply.

After 3 years of working on this project, I’m excited to share The Endgame 2024! It’s an ergonomic DIY keyboard, now open source for everyone to build and customize – OldMan.

Low-profile, hotswap, splay, and you can spot lots of tiny details when inspecting the PCB.



  • 36 keys (3x6)
  • Choc, hotswap or soldered (combined footprint)
  • splay
  • RP2040 Gemini controller
  • buzzer support
  • VIAL




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Published on Mon 20th Jan 2025. Featured in KBD #184.


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