Well, the humble Endgame is the name of this cool unibody split keyboard designed by OldMan6955.
KBD.news Published January 20, 2025
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Maybe not endgame for everyone, but this cute 40% monoblock ergo split called TheEndgame2024 looks awesome for sure. As a lover of the unibody genre, it's quite close to endgame material for me personally. Designed and shared by OldMan6955 as an open-source project, it is also available as a well-documented kit sold by Keeb Supply.
After 3 years of working on this project, I’m excited to share The Endgame 2024! It’s an ergonomic DIY keyboard, now open source for everyone to build and customize – OldMan.
Low-profile, hotswap, splay, and you can spot lots of tiny details when inspecting the PCB.