Michael Gunawan's kibod-01 is a Corne-ish split keyboard with a slight splay and ribbon cable.
KBD.news Published January 30, 2022
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Removed 4 more keys from my daily driver. First pcb i designed. (Turns out to be a corne with angled columns) – Michael Gunawan.
This keyboard was inspired by Slepet that has more stagger in some columns and only three thumb cluster keys instead of five.
The open-source PCB comes in two versions: the default one uses one Pro Micro with Amphenol 10 cable and the mirrored PCB supports two Pro Micros with TRRS or one Pro Micro with Amphenol 10 cable.
[…]forgot to explain: Using amphenol or lan cable makes it so that every row and column between 2 halves are connected, this makes the controller detect it as 1 whole keeb.