Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


The Mechabasilisk is another Dactyl-like ergo split designed by Radliński Ignacy in Fusion360.
Published August 16, 2024
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Radliński Ignacy (aka l9nachi) shared his Mechabasilisk, a 3D printed Dactyl-like ergo split keyboard.

The board is essentially a more tented version of the author's previous project, Basilisk – minus roller encoders.

This is a more badass (more tented and more edgy) version of the Basilisk keyboard I created. So as Mechagodzilla was created to confront Godzilla, Mechabasilisk is going to try to confront and replace Basilisk in my daily usage – l9nachi.


  • 36 keys (3x6+3)
  • low-pro Choc switches
  • handwired
  • WeAct RP2040 controller

I generated a dactyl manuform with the exact parameters that I wanted, using the Dactyl Generator created by LostPistachio . Then downloaded its stl file and imported it into fusion360. Then I also imported step/stl file of a choc switch with key, and built a “rectangle” that a single switch will pop into. Then I duplicated the rectangle 18 times and placed those “keyholes” at the same spaces that the generated dactyl had their keyholes – l9nachi.


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Published on Fri 16th Aug 2024. Featured in KBD #172 (source).



Shared by Jurica Bacurin, the juriform36 is a 36-key wireless split keyboard with keywell.


Smudge is a custom 3D-printed keyboard design by Sandalmoth – handwired with curved keywell.


Sandalmoth published the Powerspill, a Dactyl-like split with keywell.


DreaM117er shared his MagWave44, a Dactyl Skeleton derivative ergo split with magnetic tenting.


The WIP Elkhorn by Ire_tional is a stunning wireless split prototype with powder printed keywell.


Wizergo by 70rch – A handwired ergo split keyboard with keywell, encoders and GX16 aviator connectors between the halves.
