Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Multi-profile macropad

Jim Jackson created a macropad with customizable profiles read from an SD card.
Published May 24, 2022
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Modeled in FreeCAD, Jim's 8-key macropad sports a Raspberry Pi Pico running MicroPython – and it offers customizable profiles read from text files stored on an SD card.

I work with a variety of programs throughout the day. I wanted a macro keyboard that I could alter as my needs grow. This solution allows me to create a text file on the SD card as my program needs grow. The separate button allows me to switch to a select mode that allows me to scroll through the different macro sets and alter the key/display brightness – QCJ3.

The SD card can hold multiple macro sets for each program. Each TXT file can map a caption, color, and a series of keystrokes to one key. It also contains the macro set name and global color for the keys.

Thus, by pressing the dedicated button you can select the macro set held on the SD card and alter the active logical layout of the board.

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Published on Tue 24th May 2022. Featured in KBD #80 (source).


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