Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tips & Tricks

Pantofle case

The Pantofle is a WIP machined acrylic case by u/ENDU97 for Sofle PCBs.
Published February 7, 2022
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The word "pantofle" (/ˈpantəf(ə)l,panˈtɒf(ə)l/; a high-heeled slipper or light shoe) is a quite apt name for a machined acrylic case for any split, especially the Sofle.

Completely designed and manufactured in-house by ENDU97 in South Africa, the project is still WIP, but you can already find plenty of photos of the manufacturing process and some info on how to dye acrylic in this geekhack thread:

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Published on Mon 7th Feb 2022. Featured in KBD #64 (source).

Tags: casetip



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