QMK contributor u/x34l explains different debounce algorithms and shares some of his measurements.
KBD.news Published November 4, 2020
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In his post, fellow Redditor x34l sheds some light on debounce algorithms.
Hi, I'm one of the (many) devs who did debouncing code at some point for QMK – x34l.
The default debounce algorithm has some latency repercussions meaning you can get some nasty 30ms+ response times sometimes while typing.
There are a few algorithms available (eager-pr, eager-pk) that reduce latency by 5-10ms.
Do note that to get the best algorithm, you need to find out your scan rate.
If it's below 500, try eager-pr, and if its above 800, try eager-pk.
Allegedly, some keyboards such as ErgodoxEZ were plagued by latency in the default algorithm, and an eager-pr/eager-pk style debounce reduced latency by a noticeable amount.
Sadek Baroudi released his VIK standard, which is a set of specifications and guidelines for interfacing between printed circuit boards, e.g. a main keyboard PCB and a module that supports specific features.