Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tips & Tricks

Shark's IBM wiki

u/SharktasticA announced his IBM-family keyboard wiki with the aim of covering niche models.
Published January 27, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

The WIKI is available at:

In Summer 2021, I started work on my own personal IBM keyboard wiki on my website aptly called Shark’s Wiki. One motivation was the uncertainly surrounding Deskthority and its wiki after their buy-out, but I’ve been wanting to deliver properly referenced content on my site for a while now – SharktasticA.

Shark's initial aim was "to tackle niche or seldom attempted stuff before". For example, the Model M4 buckling sleeve keyboards and keypads, and a comprehensive list of all Model M variants and their defining features.

Clicking around for a while, you may stumble upon relics like the authoritative IBM 3215 printer-keyboard-tower thing (in the top picture) from the early 1970s.

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Published on Thu 27th Jan 2022. Featured in KBD #63 (source).



Displaywriter posted by madlof (pics & typing demo).


A self-designed 132-key keyboard by dangerbobgames built along the lines of the classic IBM Model M 122.

IBM Model M122 classification

SharktasticA reworked his page on differences between and classifications of IBM Model M122s.

IBM 5291

Kirkwood1994 picked up a beautiful IBM 5291 terminal.

IBM 3178 C1 mod

An IBM 3178 C1 USB Chungus edition ft. Solenoid by drake9800.


The IBM Lighted Program Function Keyboard (LPFK) was used as an extra input device when doing computer aided design on the IBM RS/6000 series of machines. Posted by epearl-tv.
