Cássio Ávila's Carpo is a 36-key low-profile split keyboard – wireless and Choc-spaced.
KBD.news Published December 24, 2024
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Cássio Ávila aka toniz4/heyitscassio shared his Carpo, a 36-key low-profile split keyboard – Choc spaced, sporting Holyiot 18010 BLE modules.
Everything turned out really well. The layout is perfect for me, although it was challenging to achieve the ideal thumb placement. After testing several cardboard prototypes, I finally found my optimal layout. I think I’ve reached my endgame – Cássio.
36 keys
low-pro Choc v1, hotswap
Holyiot 18010 Nordic NRF52840 controller
The case is printed in JLCPCB using the 8001 resin. The keycaps are Pseudoku's Chicago Stenographer, printed by JLCPCB using the JLC black resin.
Due to space constraints, the author couldn't include a screen, so he opted for an LED to display the connection status.