Andrea Varotto shared the files of his Cornepad, a unibody keyboard with a numpad in the center. Published January 26, 2024
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The Cornepad is a handwired monoblock keyboard designed by Andrea Varotto aka itsvar8. Teased back in December, it's basically two Cornes stuck together at an -7.5 / 7.5 angle, with a center 4*4 numpad, 2 rotary encoders and RGB.
Most of the time I use fusion 360 or solidworks so my left hand is for shortcuts and dimensions, basically the whole reason for this keyboard is that I wanted to try a split but I was also missing a numpad while using a 40% – Andrea.
At the moment of writing this, finding the 3D files may be a bit tricky: instead of the github repo, they are available here, along with build instructions.