A laser cut split by SKZBadHabit with trackpoint, display and RTC.
KBD.news Published June 18, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
SKZBadHabit made a stand for his aviator connector, but what's even better, we got a follow-up on the evolution of his lasercut keyboard, as well as some new tidbits and photos.
The complete keyboard is laser cut with 3 mm MDF and it's covered by a black foil.
The display is a normal SD1306 Display, and the IBM logo is from an old server and just a stick on.
There is a trackpoint module from an old HP notebook, and it also features a RTC module (Real-Time Clock) so the correct time can be displayed.
In addition, the firmware is a custom one too (not QMK): just a simple Arduino code.
One more tip is the pin extender:
First I had the aviator connectors (20 pin) to connect both halves wire by wire but than I added a MCP23017 which is a digital pin extender for my Arduino Pro Micro and so I only need 4 pins.