Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial
Behind the scenes #184
Keyboard projects, reviews, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, vendors, discounts.
Published January 23, 2025

Hey, what's up everyone!
Welcome back for another recap and behind-the-scenes write-up.
If you are new to, you can read how this started out and what this is all about nowadays. If you like what you see, subscribe to the newsletter (free) and donate some bucks to keep this otherwise free and ad-free project alive.
Some posts worth sharing
- I reviewed the TMKB T68-C, the first Hall-effect keyboard offered by Kemove. An entry-level 65% magnetic keyboard designed for budget-conscious gamers.
- In part two of his series about increasing typing comfort, Peter introduces Anymak, the next step in balancing layout compatibility and ergonomics.
- Max officially released v1.0 of his Anywhy Flake family. Now with a 58-key variant.
- Well, the humble Endgame is the name of this cool unibody split keyboard designed by OldMan6955.
- David Brown released his Jolt2, an open-source split keyboard with variable-height columns.
- A modular 30-36 key split to mimic various physical layouts: Menura by Ryan Muraglia.
- A 27-key macropad fitting iPhone cases: Fragaria-27 by Flexyjerkov.
- Dane Lipscombe's Harite v2 is a directional keyboard with 5-way switches.
- A '70s-style gasket-mounted monoblock split featuring Selectric I keycaps: Hacktrick by Tschibo00.
- A classy 40% keyboard open sourced by Arko: Bonk.
- A 26-key semi-handwired split with lots of magnets: Wilson26 by Stephan Møller.
- A handwired monoblock 40% keyboard in a stacked acrylic case: Vozvan by El Kinoflop.
- Just a short mention for now, but I'm going to post about this later: Banchan – a 3D-printable case for Keebio's BDN9 macropad. Smooth contours, unique "deep dish" plate design.
- DES keycaps with custom UV-printed legends – by 3dkeycaps.
From my experiments, UV legend durability really depends on the base material that is being printed on and the surface preparation. We UV print legends on resin 3d printed keycaps, this makes for a very strong bond since the keycap and the UV ink are photoactivated polymers. I made myself a set 10 months ago and the legends still look good! For colors I have been staying with black/white, as I learn the machine more. I have some color matching issues when I try more complicated colors (colored legends are simpler on white keycaps) – 3dkeycaps.
- libhmk – an open-source Hall-effect keyboard library. With dynamic keymap, rapid trigger, continuous rapid trigger, dynamic keystroke, and a web configurator.
After months of hard work, I've finally completed a generic Hall-effect keyboard firmware library for the STM32F446RE microcontroller, along with a web configurator to pair with the firmware – peppapig.
- KeyTik is a GUI-based keyboard remapper and automation tool. Profiles, autoclicker, screen clicker, AutoHotKey script manager, etc.
- Qwertykeys credit card data leakage? Make sure you use a safe payment alternative.
- For whatever reason, Amiro made a keyboard that only types when you scream.
- Corne printed case by mkpro/MegaChar1000.
Closed-source, WIP, etc.
- A co-founder of Keykrush reached out to me about this cool split. It's going to be a kickstarter, but it's worth a mention. Very interesting thumb cluster.
- Moeetech has updated and made the drawer-style Glitter R2 available for direct purchase – no more need for preorders or group buys! The surface treatment process is said to be significantly improved, among other fixes.
- Boardsource Rechteck & MBK Engage. A compact low-pro 60% keyboard with a stylish MBK keycap set.
- Cymbal_Monkey is testing a modular keywell.
- Similar approach by o1011o: Polymorph board, an ergo split with adjustable columns and thumb cluster.
- Actually, Bandit is a tiny standalone computer, not a simple keyboard. Commercial, preorder, designed by Julian. It runs the pretty crazy ColorForth programming language.
In the mailbox
Gateron sent me a bunch of switches to complete my collection (yeah, it seems this is a collection now): Baby Kangaroo, Melodic, Smoothies, low-pro browns.
Plus a switch puller in this kick-ass packaging:
Also, a new mouse from Dareu. The previous, Dareu A980 Pro Max model with its display and crazy resolution turned out to be too fancy for me. This one looks much more down to Earth. Not yet available outside of China, so the review is on hold.
And a retro trading terminal I spotted at a local marketplace. Micrognosis. Haven't found much info about it online, but it has nice individual domes. Otherwise: 24 function keys, huge LCD display, dedicated trading keys. Late '80s, early '90s.
Keyboard art
- BurroughsR by Rain2.
- EVAlyn – an Evelyn nachie, posted by haunterloo92.
- Another LEGO build, but with a clever idea. A LEGO cap mechanism layer above the keyboard with MX switches.
- Wood: From kitchen cuttingboard to mechanical keyboard. Progress photos by androidbrick. And an amboyna burl case by ReportBig.
- Wall of keyboards at Loongtr experience space, Wuhan, China.
Weekly Diderot effect
- Brass keycaps with patina. Based on comments, CadLab seems to be controversial though. Do your research before placing an order.
SP Blackest Black
I love where Signature Plastics is heading with the new owners. Part of this is that I'm one of the winners in the SA Blackest Black giveaway(?). :) Well, this wasn't really a giveaway but actually a voting as of my understanding, so thanks a bunch for your nominations. I’ve found myself in very prestigious company among all the big names of the creator category.
For those who missed the original announcement of Will, the SA Blackest Black is a single-run ultra-limited double-shot UV-activated black on black SA set, a great candidate for unobtanium status. I’ll try to rise to the challenge and showcase it in various upcoming reviews.
SA Blackest Black is now in active production. Our team reports exceptional results in achieving our targeted light absorption properties (ie it's a real pain to see what they are doing) – Will.
- No new donors this time. Many thanks to my awesome regular supporters and everyone who helped this project thus far.
For all the donation options check out the donation page!
Meetup database
As always, this meetup database serves as both a calendar and an archive, so feel free to send me upcoming events or even ones from the recent past to make this collection as comprehensive as possible.
Upcoming meetups
- Berlin Mechanical Keyboards & Input Devices Meetup, January 27, Berlin, Germany
Recently added
- CCH|CON, February 8, Stuttgart, Germany
Vendors & Discounts
Feel free to use the KBDNEWS discount code at 164 keyboard shops! And do not hesitate to report any issues.
New shops and updates to the database of keyboard vendors this past two weeks:
- Zkeebs (CA, US) offered you a 5% discount (KBDNEWS).
- Ikasaya (NY, US) added too. Ivan offered you a 10% discount.
- I received two automated messages, from Chilkey and Meletrix, that they have set up the KBDNEWS coupon code. However, on testing it, I could see no effect. You could give it a try, but I'm not going to update their database entries yet.
Thanks to Jonathan, the annual major update of the vendor database is in progress. He got back to me with a list of closed shops after checking the 172 websites in the discount code list, and I started to check all the other stores.
10+ closed shops identified so far. 1 other discount code doesn't work (removed), another one fixed! Many other small fixes.
That's all for today. Thanks for checking by. As always: Keep learning and building!
Until next time,
Published on Thu 23rd Jan 2025. Featured in KBD #184.