Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


A 26-key semi-handwired split with lots of magnets: Wilson26 by Stephan Møller.
Published January 20, 2025
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Stephan Møller (aka rollercole) shared his Wilson26, a 26-key semi-handwired split keyboard using 1u PCBs and driven by Seeed Xiao controllers.

I just finished my first custom board ever and it was also the first time I tried hand wiring, so bare with me :) I always felt most boards give me a crippled hand because I have a short thumb. I also reduced the activity on the pinky by only having a single key there – Stephan.


The keyboard uses a couple of magnets to hold the case together as well as making the halves stick to the desk as the author has a metal plate under his desk mat.



  • 26 keys (single thumb key on each side)
  • MX, hotswap (via 1u PCBs)
  • Seeed XIAO RP2040 controller
  • 3D-printed case



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Published on Mon 20th Jan 2025. Featured in KBD #184 (source).



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