N36tsu by n1tsu. A low-profile split with PG1316S switches.
KBD.news Published January 28, 2025
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The 36-key n36tsu is another ultra-low-profile wireless split keyboard featuring Kailh's PG1316S switches. Designed by n1tsu/n2tsu via ergogen, with batteries directly soldered to the PCB without a socket:
My inspiration was from the mikefive keyboard. I don't know if there is another choice in order to keep the keyboard height low (battery connector height is larger than other components) – n2tsu.
36 keys (5x3+3)
Kailh PG1316S ULP switches, soldered (SMD)
nice!nano controller
nice!view display
wireless, ZMK firmware
This is the author's first keyboard design, so there are some issues with the PCB:
The most problematic things that I didn't see, was that to solder the nice!view flush on the PCB. It was not possible to only use solder paste. nice!view has electronic components on the backside, making a gap between the pcb and its holes. Since I designed soldering pads and not soldering holes on pcb for screen, I used individual pins that I made at the right height to make the bridge between pcb and nice!view – n2tsu.